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Nothing to see here.

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2024 12:14 am
by NumberTWO
Hello. I go by the name of Number2. I was originally given that name for spending too much time in the smallest room in the house.

I started watching Touring car racing back in the days of Grandstand. 1987ish.
Finally got to attend my first meeting late 1991. Been to nearly every BTCC event since. And still going..
Attended touring car races in the UK, Germany - DTM & STW, Denmark, Holland, Sweden, France and Australia.

Supertouring in my view was the best period. Great cars, great drivers and great races.

Really stoked that supertourers have never really gone away.
Their resurgence started back in 2009 and have grown ever since..

As the song goes... Things, Can only get Better!